Sunday, February 24, 2008

C Programming Part 1

Basic computer programming things to know:
C is a low-level computer programming language that is mainly used for system programming.

compiler - a program that converts source code (the code a person creates) into object code (the code a computer understands).

linker - a program that combines object code with other object codes or libraries to create an executable program.

Go here and download MS Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition to obtain a C compiler for Windows. There are many other compilers out there that will also work.

Here is a compiler for the Linux OS.

Use notepad, vi or any other simple text editor (if you use MS Word, make sure to save as a text file) to create your source code.

You will be using the Windows command line (from Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt) or the Linux terminal window to compile and run your codes.

Here is a list of commands for the MS Visual 2008 C++ command line:(the outside quotation marks are not part of the command)

MS Visual 2008 C++ Command Line
cd dir_namechanges directory to dir_name (cd \ brings you to root folder)
mkdir dir_namecreates a directory with the name dir_name
dirlists everything in directory
clsclears screen
notepad file_name.copens file_name.c in notepad (if file doesn't exist, it will create one)
type file_name.cshows you the content of file_name.c
cl file_name.ccompiles and links file_name.c
file_nameruns the file file_name.exe
move file_name dir_name
moves the file, file_name, into the directory dir_name
del file_name
deletes the file file_name
(Hold Ctrl and C)breaks out of the program (useful when stuck in an infinite loop)

Here is a list of commands for the Linux terminal window:
Linux Terminal Window Commands
cd dir_namechanges directory to dir_name (cd \ brings you to root folder)
mkdir dir_namecreates a directory with the name dir_name
dirlists every file in directory
vi file_name.copens file_name.c in vi editor (if file doesn't exist, it will create one)
:w (vi editor command)saves the file
:q (vi editor command)quits the vi editor
cat file_name.cshows you the content of file_name.c
cc -o name file_name.ccompiles file_name.c and creates an output file called name
./nameruns the file called name

Basic C Program, Hello World:

#include <"stdio.h"> // Quotation marks are not supposed to be in this line of code.
printf("hello world\n");

The simple code above will show the text hello world.

  • The #include <"stdio.h"> (no quotation in real code - blogger problem) is used to add the standard input/output library (a library is just preprogrammed keywords/commands) to the code.
  • The // indicates a comment. Anything to the right of the // is not considered part of the code.
  • Every C file must include a main() {}. It is called the main function and it is the first place the computer looks at when running the code.
  • The printf is just a function that displays whatever is provided inside the parenthesis.
  • The quotation marks inside the parenthesis indicates that hello world is a string (ordered sequence of characters).
  • The \n indicates that a new line is to be created next.
  • The ; indicates the end of the statement.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Chapter 5 - Signal Encoding Techniques Part 2

5.2/ Digital Data, Analog Signals
A modem (modulator-demodulator) is used to modulate, encode, digital data into an analog signal and vice versa.

Basic techniques to convert digital data into analog signals:

  1. ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) - represents digital data as different amplitudes in a carrier signal. For a binary data, zero amplitude can represent a binary 0 and another amplitude will represent a binary 1.
  2. FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) - represents digital data as different frequencies in a carrier wave. BFSK is binary FSK.
  3. PSK (Phase Shift Keying) - represents digital data as different phases in a carrier signal. BPSK is binary PSK.
5.3/ Analog Data, Digital Signals
digitization - conversion of analog to digital.
A codec (coder-decoder) is a device used to digitize (encode) or decode data.

Basic techniques to convert analog data into digital signals:
  1. PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) - the sampling of analog data at a minimum rate (twice the frequency) and the conversion of the samples to a digital (usually binary) code.
  2. DM (Delta Modulation) - the differential of the sampling of analog data is converted to a digital code.

5.4/Analog Data, Analog Signals

Basic techniques to convert analog data into analog signals:
  1. AM (Amplitude Modulation) - involves modification of the amplitude of the transmitted signal to represent data.
  2. PM (Phase Modulation) - involves using the phase to represent data.
  3. FM (Frequency Modulation) - involves modification of the frequency of the transmitted signal to represent data.

The information above is based on the textbook Data and Computer Communications by William Stallings.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Chapter 5 - Signal Encoding Techniques

Modulation - process of encoding source data onto a carrier signal in order to transmit data. Modulation techniques require variation to either the amplitude, frequency, or phase.

Carrier Signal - aka carrier wave or carrier, is a continuous and single-frequency signal that is able to be modulated with another data signal to transmit data.

Analog - Continuous. Ex - sinusoid.
Digital - Discrete and discontinuous. Series or sequence. Uses specific constant values, like 1 and 0. Ex - square wave.

4 Possible Encoding Combinations:

  1. Digital data to digital signal
  2. Analog data to digital signal
  3. Digital data to analog signal
  4. Analog data to analog signal

5.1/ Digital Data, Digital Signals
Data is the information, usually a binary one or zero, one wants to transmit. Each data element is a bit. Signal is the way that the data is transmitted. Signal is any quantity that can be changed over time or space. In electronics, voltage or current can be a signal.

A digital signal will be a series of discrete voltage fluctuations or pulses. The pulses are known as signal elements or symbols. A digital symbol is a pulse with constant amplitude. An analog symbol is a pulse with constant frequency, phase, and amplitude. Data can be transmitted by encoding data bits into symbols.

Unipolar - A signal is unipolar when all signal elements are either all positive or all negative.
Polar - Positive and negative values are both used in signal.

Bit - Binary data; zero or one.
Data rate - aka data signaling rate or bit rate, is the amount of bits that are transmitted per second. (Unit is bits/second)
The inverse (1/data rate) of the data rate is the amount of time it takes for one bit to be transmitted.

Modulation rate - the rate at which a carrier signal changes. (Units - baud or symbols/second)

Digital Signal Encoding Formats
  1. NRZ-L (Nonreturn to Zero-Level)
    • 0 = high, 1 = low

  2. NRZI (Nonreturn to Zero Inverted)
    • 0 = no transition at beginning of bit, 1 = transition at beginning of bit

  3. Bipolar AMI (no net DC component)
    • 0 = no signal, 1 = positive or negative, with alternation for successive bits

  4. Pseudoternary (opposite of Bipolar AMI)
    • 0 = positive or negative, with alternation for successive bits , 1 = no signal

  5. Manchester
    • 0 = high to low transition in middle of bit, 1 = low to high transition in middle of bit

  6. Differential Manchester (A transition will always occur in middle of bit)
    • 0 = transition at beginning of bit, 1 = no transition at beginning of bit

Factors that affect the receiving end of the signal:
  1. SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) - Inversely related to bit error rate.
  2. Data Rate - Directly related to BER (bit error rate).
  3. Bandwidth - Directly related to data rate.
Bit error rate - aka bit error ratio, is the ratio of incorrect bits to the total number of bits.

Methods to compare encoding techniques:
  1. Signal spectrum
    • less high-frequency components
    • no DC (direct-current) components
    • transmitted power mostly in middle of bandwidth instead of ends

  2. Clocking
    • connection synchronization (determining beginning and end of bits)

  3. Error detection
    • speed

  4. Signal interference and noise immunity
    • expressed in BER

  5. Cost and complexity
    • low cost for high availability

The information above is based on the textbook Data and Computer Communications by William Stallings.